Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2010 was a bastard of a year.

Another gone forever. Another year of wasted potential. These are due by December 31st, and I mean it this year people!

I am adding two new categories this year:

Best Trip and Random Thing I Learned.

Best Accomplishment:

Best CD:

Worst CD:

Best Concert:

Best Movie:

Worst Movie:

Best Book:

Best TV Show:

Favorite New Place:

Best Blog Entry:

Person of the Year:.

Douche Bag of the Year:

New Friend Award:

Party of the Year:

Best Celebrity Encounter:

Biggest Disappointment:

Greatest memory of the past year:

Theme of the Year:

Quote of the Year:

Biggest wish for 2010:

Anything to look forward to:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Checklist

It's that time of year again when I realize there's only one month left of the year and I haven't accomplished very much. Here is a list of things I would like to do before the end of the year:

Finish writing the rough draft of my Pilot. I have about 17 pages written so far.

Write at least 2 sketches.

Write my long overdue politics blog entry.

Actually finish my 2010 year in review blog on December 31st.

Try standup open mic again, and this time be more prepared.

Go to Atlanta for Christmas. Since we already bought our plane tickets, I'm pretty sure this one will happen.

Can I do it all? Only time will tell!