I've had this recurring dream over the past few years. It's a bit bizarre. I dream I'm back in high school and it's a Friday. It's 5th period. And I'm skipping Band class. And it feels so good. haha. Why do I keep dreaming this? What does it mean? Lately the dream has changed a bit. The setting is earlier in the week, like Tuesday. And it's just me realizing Friday is Band Day and I'm going to skip it. And it gives me such hope. Then I wake up and disappointingly realize I'm 26 and I won't be able to skip Band on Friday.
Back in high school, I didn't even skip band that much. I think I only did it twice and I was senior. Once I got a pass to go work in the computer lab on my Computer Programming class work (nerd!) and the 2nd time I just didn't go to band, I probably also went to the computer lab. It was hard to get work down at school. Phil and I both foolishly sacrificed our study halls halfway through the school year for Creative Writing and to be Computer Lab monitors.
What does this dream represent? That I long for something to look forward to? That I had really grown to dislike Band during my junior and senior years? I don't feel very unhappy in my life. I'm not one of those people who are constantly looking forward to the weekend. One thing that irks me is when people will post Facebook statuses asking 'Is it the weekend yet?' and it's only Monday. These people must be really unhappy with their lives and jobs. Don't get me wrong, I totally understand being excited for the weekend if there's something significant coming up.
I also think about sick days. If I remember correctly, I only skipped days of high school a handful of times. Once in 9th grade, the day after our weekend performance of The Wizard of Oz; once in 11th grade, and twice senior year. Senior skip day was fun. I went to school that day, and since the majority of my class was missing, we didn't do much the whole day. Then I skipped another day later in the week. haha. I had two days off that week. The other day I skipped was the Monday after Anything Goes.
Skip Days were fun. I had a tradition of having a coke float when I was home all day. But high school was my only chance at skipping. In college I hardly skipped at all. In fact, the first time I skipped a class in college was during the spring semester of my junior year. I can't believe I had gone through 5 semesters without missing a class. And the only reason I even missed that first class was because we were filming the Intro for The Too Late Show. By the time I got back to campus, it was already 20 minutes into my Wednesday night class, so I felt it would be too awkward if I went in.
As the demands for The Too Late Show increased, classes often got sacrificed. One morning we were having huge technical issues with Joey Heid's computer and I stayed with him, missing my Intro to Computer Science class. Luckily that class was really easy and don't think the Prof took attendance. Another time I skipped it so I could make a Rilo Kiley mix CD. haha.
Senior year came, and one time I skipped my boring Anthropology class because I had to walk all the way down town to the post office to buy stamps to mail my electric bill. And another time I had to skip my Political Science classes because Dr. Mendoza was on the verge of a heart attack.
It's such a shame there's no skip days in real life.